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What Is A True Floridian?

Since I was born and raised in a place that was not Florida and now permanently live in Florida, because it is the land that I love–does this make me a True Floridian? What are the rules for this?

My gut tells me that the general rule should be a True Floridian loves Florida, and that should be the main criteria. A person can’t choose where they were born but they can choose the land that they love.

Postcard Collection

But I know there is pushback to the above statement. If other True Floridians had their way, the Florida border would have been closed long ago and the population level would have been preserved, and, I never would have gotten in. Which I kinda understand.

The below graph charts the FL population from 1950 – 2020:

source: Florida Population 1900-2019. www.macrotrends.net. Retrieved 2020-02-26.

The chart, of course, is insane. In 1950 the FL population was 2,810,000 and today it is 21,477,737. FL is the 3rd most populous state. New York is #4.

The 2nd most populous state is Texas with 28,995,881. I don’t think we will pass Texas anytime soon, as there is a frenzy of people moving to Texas due to no state income tax, a booming tech industry, and cheap land. But the point is there is a ridiculous amount of people living in Florida.

So I get why people move to Texas–they are chasing the American Dream. All the ingredients are there to own a home and make money. But what about Florida?

Here are some Florida stats:

Median Home Price: $245,169 (25th)
Median Household Income: $53,267 (38th)
Cost Of Living: 26th

As far as the above stats go, Florida is middle of the road. Which, honestly, isn’t a bad place to be. Because the same places that have high incomes have high costs of living (California).

So, I would argue that the ingredients for the American Dream can indeed be found in Florida. And not only that, the place itself looks like paradise. Especially when looking at FL photos when stuck in a gray, depressing winter in the Midwest.

I get why people come to Florida. They are pursuing the American Dream, a better life. That’s why I came here. And since I’ve come here, while not a wealthy man, my bills are paid and I own a home in a desirable location.

So, I went through all that info above to make this point: You don’t have to be born and raised in Florida to be a True Floridian. I welcome anybody that wants to come to Florida because they are pursuing a better life.

However, I would argue that being a True Floridian is more than having a Florida driver’s license.

I think the main criteria is this: A True Floridian Makes Florida Better!

  • Works hard
  • Takes action to conserve the Florida land, water, and animals
  • Enjoys the fruits of Florida and strives to preserve them (beach, state parks, great outdoors, etc.)
  • Learns about FL (by reading books, exploring, joining groups, and following this blog!)
  • Helps other Floridians in need

If you can do those things I would love to have you as my neighbor!

True Floridians hanging out in a pool
{ 7 comments… add one }
  • Melisss May 28, 2022, 1:27 pm

    Sorry a true Floridian is one born and raised here . That’s like saying if I move to Mexico I’m now a Mexican or move to Texas and become a Texan or New York I’m a New Yorker get my point .

  • Kelly May 14, 2023, 8:31 am

    I agree with Meliss. I am 7th generation Floridian. My ancestors worked like dogs in the heat storms, bugs, snakes …it was a jungle when they came to Florida. My grandfather pulled bodies from the lake when the flood at Lake Okeechobee so long ago. I respect them to the 7th heaven for paving away for the rest of us. One thing that’s for sure, if you weren’t born here, you’re not a Floridian. I don’t care how long you’ve lived here. If I move to Canada,that doesn’t make me Canadian. Aye? 😆

  • Scott May 22, 2023, 8:20 pm

    Here’s one for ya: my mother was a seventh generation Floridian. I was born in St. Louis, Missouri, but have lived in Florida nearly all my life (20 years or so elsewhere), what does that make me? Eighth generation or just a transplant? My 4 children were born in Florida. Are they 9th Generation Floridians, or do they restart the count because I was born out of state? My ancestors left Menorca in the late 17th Century and landed in St. Augustine. They helped build this state before it was a part of the United States. Personally, I feel like a Floridian. I have been in the State of Florida every year of my entire life for at least part of the year, started my career here and had my family here. My mom, my dad, and my sister live here. I’m not sure how it means I’m not a Floridian just because I was born in another state. And to others’ points: if you are a naturalized citizen of the U.S. that was born in another country, are you not an American? I think you are. My two cents.

  • Boats September 19, 2023, 10:38 am

    Kelly’s full of s*** I lived in Florida for 20 years originally from Maryland I voted I worked there I was a Floridian

  • Monica Campos October 3, 2023, 8:43 am

    Unless you are Native American specifically of the Seminole, the Miccosukee and the Poarch Creeks tribes then none of you are truly Native. A true Florida Native would know that. Clearly y’all missed the last paragraph.

  • Dominick November 9, 2023, 10:05 pm

    I think that if you take care of our home state, You are Floridian. But if you are some snowbird coming down here each year to fill up our streets, stores, and other crap, don’t consider yourself Floridian!!! If you can help restore our state to its beauty you’re all set to be a Floridian. I was born and raised in Naples and soon moving to Minnesota, where I would expect to also be called a citizen too, not just called whatever yall call us…. Sunbirds..? Honestly I have no clue.
    Just kidding.. To the point though, If you live here full time your a Floridian. If you come here each year, your a tourist.

  • Mike December 9, 2023, 1:08 pm

    I can understand your feelings of being a “true” Floridian because you love the place and you have been here for years. I just moved to Florida after having spent the last 25 years in Maryland. During that time I grew to love the Old Line State, Old Bay seasoning, the history, the blue crab (stone crab is no substitute), Baltimore, the weird ass Baltimore accent, Never liked the Washington Football team but the owner was just a terrible person. As much as that place feels like home and I know it better than Florida, I am not a Marylander by birth, but by association sure.

    I have said all of that because I have just finished my first year in Florida, but this is not my first stint in Florida, I was born here as were 8 generations of my family before me. Where as I am not reacclimated by any means, I am still a native Floridian, true Florida man in a way I guess. When my wife says we just moved here, I have found lots of Floridians love to point out they are native Floridians. I will usually follow saying I was just on a 25 year vacation up north and I too am a Floridian. The few that like to get haughty and toss off they are 2nd or 3rd generation are usually surprised to hear that I am 9th generation.
    Regardless home is where your heart is and if you are a true Steward of the land and work on conserving it to keep Florida beautiful you are doing the true work of a Floridian and are the same as any other Floridian that cares, Native or invasive. My wife is an invasive Floridian. : P

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